Wednesday, March 21

Back Again and Better Than Ever

Hello dearies! This new season has brought on so many trends and events that it's all been a bit hectic trying to blog it all. My head is constantly spinning with ideas and my draft folder is well near an incomplete-caused suicidal explosion. To keep it all manageable, I may be blogging a little less than daily for a couple of weeks. I apologize for not posting in so long and promise, the posts that do go up will be worth the wait. New segments, pictures, and photography are to come. Just to show how hard I've worked on drafting enough posts to be efficient, I will be scheduling some posts for the days that I've missed to fill the gap. However, the only way you'll notice (since it won't be at the top as usual) is to subscribe to "style in your inbox" found in the top-left sidebar. Highly suggested and takes literally .3 seconds.

Regular posting will be back tomorrow and have a stylish day,

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