Sunday, October 16

in TACK with NAILS!: 2Tone & Newspaper

ROXYmodae is introducing to you our newest segment, "in TACK with NAILS!" Get that little joke there? TACK and NAILS in the same title- LOL. Gotta love it! Anyway, every time we spot a new trend for those 10 little trend mannequins on your fingers, it'll be up here. Whether it be videos, instructions, a post on another blog, a link, or just a pic, you'll have every cute and stylish nail idea out there.

Today's TACKs are 2-Tone nails and Newspaper Nails. Check it out!

~To start, you can do any pre-nailpainting routine you'd normally do like buffing, cleaning, soaking, whatever it may be~

1. Pick 2 colors that look great together like black and white, red and pink, blue and yellow, orange and purple, you name it! For this example, we'll use black and white.

2. Paint half of the nail with the lighter color, which would be white here, on your nails with however many coats it would take for the color to show up nicely. (For precise separation between the two colors, use tape or a piece of paper with whatever shaped edge you like. The picture below shows a rounded edge.)

3. Let the lighter color dry completely

4. Do the same with the other (darker) color. Let it dry.

5. Apply your top coat. and let that dry. Clean off any edges or excess paint off of the cuticle and surrounding skin.


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