Friday, February 3

Studded Belt DIY!

I can't believe it's Fashion Friday already. As I promised, today is a DIY day here on the blog.

I was browsing the mall when I saw a belt that I liked as a simple everyday belt. It looked like the type I wouldn't feel too bad about wearing to the max because of it's simplicity. Prepared to whip out 10 bucks tops and skip to the line with a future new outfit post idea, I glanced at the price. That's when I went on some type of a fashion rage in my head saying "Pay $78.99 for a strip of leather and studs that look no better than thumbtacks?! I DON'T THINK SO!"

Boom! Lightbulb! WhheeeOOOOwhheeOOO! Fashion DIY Alert! That's right you guessed it! This post is about how to make your own studded belt using only 3 supplies, and NO tools! I'd wear it with floral (like the picture to the right).

  • A belt that you think would look cute with thumbtacks (I used a wide, elastic belt.)
  • Thumb-tacks with your choice of color. They should have a very short point. (Gold or silver are the most functional)
  • Optional: A hot glue gun (and obviously a stick of glue to put into it) and tape
Lay the belt out flat onto a soft surface, like carpet. The soft surface would keep you from poking yourself if the tack's point is too long. You may want to work with the belt buckle facing away from you, vertically.

Use a ruler to draw a straight line along the top, bottom, or middle where you'd like to stick the tacks in. Make small tick-marks to determine the spacing of the points too.

Stick your thumbtacks where the tick-marks are, along your straight line. 

Lift up the belt and check the back. If the backs of the thumbtacks stick out from the back of the belt, put little balls of hot glue on the pointy tips to keep them from sticking you. Let the glue dry, try it on, take pictures, and send them to me!

Mine ended up looking really good (surprisingly b/c I only tried it once) How did yours turn out?

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